The main objective of Foundation Berekum is to strengthen medical
knowledge in Africa. This is achieved through training of doctors,
nurses and midwifes, in order to improve the quality of the obstetric
and gynaecological care in Berekum. Teaching is provided in the
teaching facilities of the midwifery school and in the surgical
theatres and delivery rooms of the various wards. The Dutch
gynaecologists provide their know-how and expertise free of charge and
invest their own vacation in order to travel to Berekum. The Holy
Family Hospital financially supports local travel for the Dutch doctors
by car or domestic flight from Accra to Berekum; and provides
accommodation and meals. Prior to each visit a teaching programme is
developed, and patients are selected and scheduled for surgical
interventions by Ghanaian doctors during the visit of the Dutch
doctors. Teaching facilities are being prepared and nurses and
requested to come to Berekum for their continuing education.
In addition, more structural projects needing additional (financial)
support could be executed:
1. The delivery rooms are old, small and out of date. There is no space for monitoring and surveillance equipment. In addition, the appropriate equipment is lacking. There is insufficient space for appropriate care and reanimation of new-borns. There is no space for family members to attend the delivery. During peak times, four women share the small room to give birth. The distance to the surgical theatre is (too) long and not easy, which is problematic in case an urgent caesarean is needed.
2. There is no monitoring equipment for new-borns.
3. Cervical cancer is a frequent problem in Africa. Screening is non-existent in Berekum and thus many women come to the hospital in an advanced stage of cervical cancer that can no longer be treated. Early detection is possible and easy. What is needed are two microscopes and appropriate training of personnel to detect the early stage cervical cancer.
We estimate that Euro 50.000 is needed to implement these three projects. It seems feasible to implement the projects within a period of three years. It is expected that within the near future a locally trained Ghanaian gynaecologist, will start working in Berekum. This would facilitate the use of monitoring equipment as well as the early detection of cervical cancer. The renovation or new construction of a maternity ward and further improvements of the hospital are needed according to Foundation Berekum. However, these activities can only start once the necessary financial resources are available. The Foundation expects that through donations from hospitals, medical doctors, private companies and individuals, the needed resources can be obtained.
The Foundation focuses in first instance on these three projects and will publish any development through its website.
- Department of Gynaecology, Isala Zwolle (The Netherlands)
- Diaconate Protestant Community Koekange
- Isala Foundation, World Wide
- Imelda-Nolet Foundation
- Hofstee Foundation
- De
Bruijn Kleinen Foundation
- Salem Ermelo
- Diaconate PKN Haarlem
- Wilde Ganzen
- Stichting Vrienden
van de Medische Missiezusters
Over 30.000 Euro for new delivery room in 2016 
Isala's House officers collected, during their annual fundraising dinner, over 30.000 Euro for the Safe start for mother and child project of the Berekum Foundation. The money will be used to construct new delivery rooms.
The 8th fundraising dinner of the Isala clinics in Zwolle took place on June 3rd 2016 in the IJsseldelta Center. More than 150 medical doctors, medical assistants, house officers, and other invited guests joined for the dinner.
This year, money was collected for the new delivery rooms of the hospital in Berekum (Ghana). House officer Lynn Kemper:
'It was a great dinner. We only received positive feedback. Our fundraising dinners never received this many guests. In addition to the four-course dinner, we held a lottery, auctions, and had a good party.
At the end of the evening, we could offer Harm de Haan, gynaecologist of the Berekum Foundation, a cheque of 30.980 Euro. All in all a very successful evening!'
A pleasant
Harm de Haan with Paul Hol
(Form Ghana Ltd) receiving the
Dam tot Dam run 2017
Dam tot Dam run 2017
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Donation PKN Haarlem
![]() Donation PKN Haarlem
Donations: Account number: NL75 RABO 0302 4209 40